The vintagecollector's Catwalks

The vintagecollector's Catwalks
Just a few of my favourite things

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

This photo of Charles Blackburn's on Midsummer Murders

I love to watch Midsummer Murders.  Sometime I just want to see an old versions so I choose to view the series on Netflix with my I-pad.

I was truly surprised when I was watching the "Noble Art" on Midsummer Murders and the show was about boxing. A scene in the agent's  office there where hung this photo of Charles Blackburn my husband's grandfather.

 This is the vintage photo that the family had in the original glass frame.

Charles Blackburn was born 1872 -1950 and was the lightweight Champion of lancashire.

Watch carefully and you will see he made it to Midsummer Murders

Charles Blackburn went on to own a pub in Liverpool

Monday, 2 February 2015

Today I am very happy:
 I love pinterest and have a board dedicated to things that have precious memories for me.
On that board I placed a picture of some melamine dishes that were purchased by my parent in 1957. When my family bought land in 1956  in Collingwood and  built a cottage we had these dishes as the first set of dishes in our new house.
My daughter a accomplished interior decorator has very specific taste in decorating and has not wanted any of the "Old" things I had boxed away so you could imagine how excited I was when she saw these dishes on my pinterest board and said she could probably use them.  I am so pleased that something that has great sentimental meaning for me may go on for a while with her.
Funny how, as I get older the things that make me happy.

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Robbie Burns "A birthday Mug"

My mother Aniela Bannish was born on January 25, 1919 and she was given this mug from a friend who told her that she shared a Birthday with the Famous Rabbie Burns.
 I have no Idea when this mug came into her possession ( guessing about 40 years ago) but I always remember it being on the side of the fireplace mantle every January. I suspect that there were reasons for this but I can only say that it was maybe her way of reminding us of her birthday.
The mug has information about Robert Burns his birth place and death. My mother passed away in 1999 but I cannot  throw it away since today it still reminds me of my mom and I have a good tradition to put it out every Robbie Burns day to continue to celebrate her.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Hockey at Dixie Arena in the 1970's

My son the "Collector" I had no idea that he kept all the souvenirs from his hockey time at the Long gone Dixie arena   He played Goalie for the Mississauga Reps he was good too I often feel I should have insisted that he continue.